Easy Vertical Growing Solution!

It is mid May and the warmer weather is making the plants flourish! Keep in mind that for a plant to grow to its full genetic potential it needs all the macro and micro nutrients readily available. We support this process by feeding organic compost and fertilizer to the garden.

High Performance Garden Show

In this week’s episode we focus on how and what to feed the garden, especially the light feeders. Learn the benefits of feeding the microbes that feed the plants. We find a leaf miner and I discuss how to prevent the spread of this pest.  Also, find out what to listen for when you are watering your carrots! To learn and explore click on Episode 9 to begin watching.    

New to the show? Click on Garden Show to get started! It’s Free and Online!


“Thanks for putting out this video. You are an excellent teacher. A true inspiration. I live in Central Florida, Zone 9b, where the bugs never really take a break...just another bite. I'm looking forward to watching your next video. I hope you get to travel the world and pass on your life's work.” Peggy H.   Florida

 Free Education Outreach Program

In this week’s video Tour of the Little Greenhouse, learn about the benefits of growing in a pit greenhouse and how we build ours.

Great Deals

Meet GreenStalk and their amazing towers that make vertical growing efficient and exciting! We have been growing our strawberries in these towers for two seasons and absolutely love it! Check out their multiple tier design and get a $10.00 discount when you use the coupon code thelivingfarm!  Click on GreenStalk to explore how  these towers will optimize your gardening experience!

Make More Room in Your Garden with Green Stalk, Engineered to Grow!   

Farm Life

Turkeys are such majestic creatures and they add so much character to our farm. Three  weeks ago our beloved Meghan the turkey hatched five poults. She has been a premier turkey, her dedication to motherhood over the years have brought us four batches of healthy poults.

Garden Gifts

The 8th gift my garden gives me is life. Together, my garden and I create the perfect nutrients to support life.  My organic garden is teaming with life that passes life on to me and my family. The molecules that grow into my vegetables, nurture the molecules that become me, my husband and children and occasionally the dog!

See you in the garden!


Garden Educator

P.S. Check out  GreenStalk and their amazing multiple tier design and get a 10% discount when you use the coupon code thelivingfarm!  

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