Free Greenhouse Workshop!

Tomato Challenge

The red Robin tomatoes have moved up to their final pot size.  They can crop all summer in the 2-gallon pots. The key will be to feed them every month to make sure they have enough nutrients to produce the most optimal fruit. What I love about this plant is its compact size.  It will stay small so I can cover it at night. We still have a few more cold nights and will need to protect them.

Educational Outreach Program

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your garden space? Vertical growing, tight spacing and succession planting are all integral components of every high performance garden. Learn how to use these techniques in your garden by watching this video: How to Use All of Your Garden Space.

Great Deals!

Have you ever wanted a greenhouse? Do you daydream of all the food you could grow if you had one?  I am teaching a Free Greenhouse Workshop in the Home Grown Food Summit. Presentations go live at 9:00 am on Sunday, March 24th and airs for 24 hours.  I will teach you the 5 factors you need to know to have a successful greenhouse production.  If you would like to see the presentation sign up by clicking on: Home Grown Food Summit then mark your calendar to log in on March 24th. As part of the presentation, you will get a FREE Greenhouse Success Bundle with 9 amazing resources!

It’s Free and Online! Click Home Grown Food Summit  to Sign-Up.

The High Performance Garden Show Countdown!

The new Season Starts March 20! I am getting pretty excited to get the garden planted.   In just 7 days we will have our hands back in the dirt!  The plant list is on the High Performance Garden Show 2019 website.  Click on Log-in to access your account and see the list of what we are growing this season! If you have not signed up, click on Garden Show to get started!

Do you have friends that struggle with their garden? Want to be their hero?  Invite them to sign up for the High Performance Garden Show and help make their garden season easy, fun, organic, and most of all, a success. Forward this Newsletter to 3 people. They will thank you for it!

See you in the garden!


Garden Educator