Friendship is Just One of the Many Gifts From the Garden! – Garden Gift 19

One of the many gifts the garden has given me is friendship. When you share delicious produce from your garden you are sure to make at least one long lasting friendship.   Sharing produce is just the beginning of any friendship, the greatest way to grow a friendship is to share your gardening techniques with them. When you spend the time teaching others what you have learned from the garden, there will be more people equipped to grow their own garden.

On the farm, we have many friendships, just one of our recent friends is Andrew Nowak. He visited the farm when we were in the midst of the busiest harvest seasons ever! Andrew came to learn about our farm to table restaurant and farming techniques so he could use those very techniques to share delicious produce with more people. If there is anyone who can attest to the incredible friendship a garden can give, it’s Andrew. Andrew Nowak began Slow Food Gardens, a national school garden program that originated right in Colorado. Today, there are 1200 Slow Food School Gardens nationwide, and free gardening curriculum available to anyone to help their school create a garden. He began in his children’s school in Denver, Colorado, can you imagine the countless lives that have been affected by his work? Understanding where food comes from and how to grow it is a priceless gift that you can give, and in return, the gift of friendship makes this a wonderful labor of love on both the students and the gardeners part. How are you building friendships in your garden? If you would like to get started creating a Slow Food garden with your local school, go to Slow Food Gardens or watch our interview with Andrew below!   How grows your garden? One of the most frequent questions that I hear is that you need help to compost the garden. In the Garden Show, episode 20 will be all about how to easily test the strength of your compost at home so that you can gauge how much to feed your garden and how often. It’s one of the most important things that you can learn in your garden! So, why not build a friendship and invite someone else to try testing out compost with you? It’s a great way to open the door of gardening to even more people. Knowing how much to feed will give you the best tasting produce possible. Sign up to watch the show by going to – to get started.

If you would like to come and see our gardens, check out our visiting hours at – I would love to meet some of our online friends at the farm!

If you would like a taste of our incredible produce, try visiting our farm to table café at –

Until next time, may your garden be easy, fun, productive, and always organic!
